Hasita Yenda's wire posts

    • Hasita Yenda
      "Be the reason someone smiles today."
      • Hasita Yenda
        "You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough." – Mae West
        • Hasita Yenda
          "Happiness is not something ready-made. It comes from your own actions." – Dalai Lama
          • Hasita Yenda
            "Being Best Is Number One, But Being Unique Is The Only One." ~
            • Hasita Yenda
              True friendship lifts you up, not tears you down. If someone speaks badly behind your back, it’s a reflection of their character, not yours. Keep being kind and authentic, and let their words fade while you focus on those who genuinely support you.
              • Hasita Yenda
                True strength lies in choosing kindness and peace, even when someone who wronged you refuses to apologise. You can’t control others, but you can rise above, forgive for your own peace, and show that grace doesn't need an invitation to shine.
                • Hasita Yenda
                  "A pot with a crack leaked water as it was carried. It felt shame until it noticed flowers growing along its path, realizing its flaws made life beautiful. Its imperfections nurtured unexpected beauty, turning shame into a lesson of growth."~ Unknown
                  • Hasita Yenda
                    “Kindness Makes You The Most Beautiful Person In The World No Matter What You Look Like.” ~
                    • Hasita Yenda
                      "Sometimes the best moments in life are simple: a warm cup of coffee, a kind word, a smile. ☕😊 Cherish these small joys, as they often bring the most happiness. 🌟 #SimpleJoys #Gratitude"
                      • Hasita Yenda
                        "Better To Be Awakened By A Painful Truth Than Lulled To Sleep By A Seductive Lie." ~ Dr. Phil McGraw.
                        • Hasita Yenda
                          Everything Will Be Okay In The End🩷. If It's Not Okay, It's Not The End✨✨." - Unknown.
                          • Hasita Yenda
                            "Words Can Deeply Touch The Heart🩷. Let Your Words Be Gentle And Soft🌻."
                            • Hasita Yenda
                              "If You Don't Fight For What You Want, Don't Cry For What You Lost." - Be A Fighter
                              • Hasita Yenda
                                “Next Time You Think Of Beautiful Things🌟, Don't Forget To Count Yourself In❤.” - Anonymous✨
                                • Hasita Yenda
                                  "What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us." – Ralph Waldo Emer
                                  • Hasita Yenda
                                    “You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.” - C.S Lewis
                                    • Hasita Yenda
                                      The Perception Of MemoryThe Painting was made in 1931 by Salvador DalíChallenges time Fluidity, perception and reality illusion