"Snow White and the Seven Wonders"

    Krishika Sethi


    Once upon a time, in a land far away, there lived a princess named Snow White. Her beauty was known throughout the kingdom, but it was her kindness and curiosity that truly set her apart. One day, while exploring the vast library of the castle, Snow White came across an ancient book that spoke of the "Seven Wonders of the World"—marvels of both nature and human craftsmanship, scattered across distant lands.

    Intrigued by the stories, Snow White decided she wanted to see these wonders for herself. She packed a small bag, put on a traveling cloak, and set off on a grand adventure, leaving a note for the Queen explaining her journey.

    However, unknown to Snow White, the evil Queen's magic mirror had told her that Snow White's beauty and kindness would only grow if she saw the Seven Wonders, making her even more beloved by all. Consumed by jealousy, the Queen concocted a plan to stop Snow White from ever reaching these wonders.

    Wonder 1: The Great Pyramid of Giza

    Snow White first arrived in Egypt, where she gazed in awe at the Great Pyramid of Giza. She marveled at the engineering feat, built so precisely and perfectly aligned with the stars. But the Queen, using her dark magic, cast a spell on the desert sands, creating a massive sandstorm to trap Snow White. With her quick thinking, Snow White took refuge inside the pyramid and found herself guided by a small bird that led her to safety, whispering, “Keep going, your journey has just begun.”

    Wonder 2: The Hanging Gardens of Babylon

    Her next destination was the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Snow White was enchanted by the lush greenery, cascading waterfalls, and fragrant flowers that bloomed in the middle of the desert. But the Queen had sent a swarm of locusts to devour the gardens and scare Snow White away. The princess, however, charmed the locusts with a song, and they flew away peacefully. Snow White realized that the true wonder was in the harmony of nature and life.

    Wonder 3: The Statue of Zeus at Olympia

    Snow White journeyed on to Olympia, where she stood in awe of the massive Statue of Zeus, gleaming with gold and ivory. Here, the Queen sent a lightning storm to strike fear into Snow White’s heart. But Snow White, with courage and faith, waited until the storm passed. The statue seemed to come to life, and Zeus himself whispered, "True courage is in standing firm against all odds."

    Wonder 4: The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus

    At Ephesus, Snow White arrived to see the grand Temple of Artemis. The columns were towering and magnificent, and the sanctuary was filled with sacred light. The Queen, furious that Snow White had made it so far, caused an earthquake to shake the ground. But Snow White sang a calming song, soothing the earth itself, and the quake subsided. Snow White learned that faith can calm even the wildest storms.

    Wonder 5: The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus

    Next, Snow White reached the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, a tomb of stunning beauty. Here, the Queen sent a shadow to scare Snow White into leaving. But instead of fleeing, Snow White lit a small lantern, and the shadows disappeared. She understood then that light always triumphs over darkness.

    Wonder 6: The Colossus of Rhodes

    Snow White arrived at the island of Rhodes, where the Colossus, a gigantic statue of the sun god Helios, stood proudly. The Queen, knowing Snow White’s fear of heights, enchanted the winds to sway the statue. But Snow White, with a deep breath, climbed to the top, facing her fears. From there, she saw the sun setting, painting the world in hues of gold. She realized that facing one's fears leads to the greatest views.

    Wonder 7: The Lighthouse of Alexandria

    Finally, Snow White reached the Lighthouse of Alexandria, shining bright over the Mediterranean. The Queen sent a thick fog to cloud the light, hoping to leave Snow White lost at sea. But Snow White, with the help of dolphins, made her way safely to the lighthouse. She climbed to the top, reignited the flame, and the fog cleared away. She learned that sometimes, we must be the light when all else seems dark.

    After seeing all seven wonders, Snow White returned home, wiser and stronger than before. The Queen, seeing Snow White’s newfound strength and beauty, realized that she could never defeat her spirit. Overcome by Snow White's courage and kindness, the Queen finally admitted defeat and, in a moment of clarity, broke her own curse, choosing to live in peace.

    Snow White became a beloved ruler, known not only for her beauty but also for her wisdom and bravery. Her adventures were told for generations, inspiring all to seek the wonders of the world and to face their challenges with courage and grace.

    And so, Snow White and her kingdom lived happily ever after.